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The Turn of the Screw Tickets

London ColiseumLondon
Nothing is quite as it seems in this haunting opera.
From £13
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The Turn of the Shrew Tickets

**Benjamin Britten**'s chilling opera is making its debut at the London Coliseum this autumn. Based on the book of the same name by **Henry Jame**s, **Isabelle Bywater** directs this adaptation of the unnerving opera. Guaranteed to send shivers down audiences' spines with its eerie and foreboding score. The setting is Bronte-esque, but the menace is pure Hitchcock. Book your tickets now!


About The Turn of the Shrew

The haunting opera follows a young, inexperienced governess who is tasked with taking care of two young orphans in a bleak country house. She quickly realizes that they are both deeply troubled and possibly possessed. As this realization grows, so does her anxiety. She starts to hear strangled cries in the night, sees a figure on the tower, and a face at the window. However, are these experiences are real? or just figments of her imagination? As she questions her own thoughts, the tension builds towards a nerve-shredding climax.


Facts and Critical Acclaim

  • The book of the same name was adapted into a Tony-Award winning play called *The Innocents* and has been the inspiration for films including *Through the Shadow*, **The Presence of Mind** and *The Innocent*s. As well as the hit Netflix TV Show *The Haunting of Bly Manor*.
  • Director, Isabella Bywater won the Golden Sofit Award for Best Opera Production of 2011 for *A Midsummer Night’s Dream*.
  • **Henry James** had one of the longest and most prolific careers in American letters winning both the Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award.

The Turn of the Shrew Cast

  • Governess** – Ailish Tynan
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  • Mrs Grose** - Gweneth Ann Rand
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  • Miss Jessel –** Eleanor Dennis
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  • Peter Quint –** Robert Murray
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  • Prologue –** Alan Oke

The Turn of the Shrew Creatives

  • Director –** Isabella Bywater
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  • Conductor –** Duncan Ward and Charlotte Corderoy
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  • Lighting Designer –** Paul Anderson
From £13Book Tickets