Interview with Anthony Cragg – Baby Doll from Moulin Rouge!

Posted on 30 November 2023

Snowball fights, vocal exercises and steaming mugs of coffee - join us for a delightfully warm interview with Anthony Cragg from Moulin Rouge! The Musical. Anthony takes on the role of the fierce and sassy Babydoll effortlessly, and in the spirit of autumn, we thought we’d chat with him to explore the glitz and glam of one of the world’s most beloved musicals. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century Paris, Moulin Rouge! tells the passionate tale of a wandering poet who quickly becomes entangled in a sizzling romance with Satine, the dazzling diamond, and the star of the Moulin Rouge. Here’s what Anthony had to say.

Interview with Anthony Cragg 

1. How do you get yourself ready for the stage?

A slow warm-up throughout the day is best for both body and voice. Steam from a shower can clear mucus and soothe tight muscles. Casual humming, sirens, and lip trills are what I find best to wake up the voice. For the body, stretching in the morning and before bed keeps me flexible and reduces aches and pains from performances.

2. If you weren’t playing your current role, who else in the show would you like to play?

Nini. Without a doubt, she’s sassy and sexy and I think I’d look fantastic as a blonde. But alas, I was not blessed with the hamstrings that the amazing Charlotte Gooch possesses, and I’d rather not break the backs of our extremely talented Flats Ensemble by forcing them to throw me about the stage.

3. What's your favourite autumnal treat?

Coffee. While coffee is not relegated to an autumnal treat, there’s nothing better than walking about in the cold weather with a hot cup of coffee keeping your hands warm. And I know my fellow Lady M. Bernadette Bangura will attest to this!

4. How would you spend a perfect winter day?

In bed. With a coffee. Unless it’s snowing. Then still in bed with a coffee, but with the curtains open. Unfortunately, living in central London, snow very quickly turns to slush. But if it were to settle and a snowball fight ensued, so be it!

Moulin Rouge! tickets are available now!

This Black Friday, get exclusive seats at Moulin Rouge! The Musical with London Theatre Direct. 

Kevin Thomas

By Kevin Thomas

From as early as I can recall, writing has always been my passion. Being able to combine this with my love for theatre has been a rewarding and exhilarating experience. I truly believe that there is magic in seeing a story brought to life on stage, and this is what I would like to promote to audiences.