Quick questions with The Unfriend cast
Published on 21 December 2023
Christmastime is all about family, and that’s especially true for fictional siblings Maddie Holliday (Rosie) and Jem Matthews (Alex), ‘I see my brother, my sister-in-law and my niece and nephew,’ Maddie gushed, whereas Jem is travelling to the Cotswolds to reunite with his relatives ‘seeing family on Boxing Day is a tradition.’
That doesn’t mean that these fictious family members are always nice to their biological brothers, however. ‘I play Hungry Heart by Bruce Springsteen on a loop around Christmas. It really annoys my brother because it isn’t a proper Christmas song! I’m still trying to convince him it is…’
Another Christmas tradition Maddie may have had when she was younger? Watching the Countryfile Christmas special ‘Matt Baker was my first celebrity crush’. Whereas Jem looked to the other side of the (country) pond for his first crush ‘when I was about 11, I saw About Time for the first time, and I thought I had died when Margot Robbie came on the screen.’ We hope someone brought a defibrillator to the Barbie screening!
After that blast from Christmas past, we settled down with The Unfriend cast members to discuss how they spend Christmas present.
M: I am going home to Brighton to relax and see my cat!
J: I am going to see my extended family in the Cotswold’s.
M: Mine is my favourtite Christmas song because it isn’t a Christmas song. It is Hungry Heart by Bruce Springsteen. I always say it because it annoys my brother that it isn’t a Christmas song.
J: Hark the Herold
Both: We do a little fist pump after our intense scene change involving suitcases.
M: I saw Henry Winkler as Captain Hook in a Peter Pan Panto
J: I saw West Side Story around Christmas time, if that counts?
J: I want to play Marley in A Christmas Carol.
M: Can I be an Elf in Elf the Musical?
M: Villain
J: Dame
J: Seeing family on boxing day.
M: That is what I do as well. I see my brother, my sister-in-law and my niece and nephew.
J: My next role would be good! Genuinely, socks would be nice. And Maltesers!
M: I just want my cat under the Christmas tree because I have missed her.
M: I am thinking as if I were Rosie’s age, and it would have to be Matt Baker because he was my first celebrity crush.
J: I am thinking about first crushes now and when I was about 11, I saw About Time for the first time, and I thought I had died when Margot Robbie came on the screen.
M: I don’t drink, so the only time I consume alcohol is brandy butter.
J: Candy Canes.